Up We Go To The Top

My life: friends, mallratting, the boys, my adventures, school, inspirations, and so on....Um how do they expect me to use 500 characters. Sheesh they're insane. Anyways whatever. So Hi!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Summer Breeze

Originally uploaded by MrTopf.
I'm loving the weather. Summer kinda hit with a suprise, guess because I had nothing to look forward to for a bit! Well I do now so I'm happy!

So all summer I shall be travelling between Shawa and Toronto. Ocassional further trips once in awhile. That reminds me that I should be sending evites out very soon.

I hope Saby emailed me back, I need a Whitby rep, for my excursions. Like how am I suppose to call all those ppl from All Saints for every time I want to go out??? And that's why I need a rep to pass the news on. Sabine is normally the rep, but this year she's going to the Lebanesian Land (Lebanon), so I need a replacement till she gets back.
Yeah so nothing much happening really, gotta go to work soon

Ooooo and I found another person to help me out to learn to rollerblade....*drum roll* ....EMILY!!!!


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