Up We Go To The Top

My life: friends, mallratting, the boys, my adventures, school, inspirations, and so on....Um how do they expect me to use 500 characters. Sheesh they're insane. Anyways whatever. So Hi!

Sunday, May 01, 2005

BUSY; That's basically my so-called-9-to-5 job, except it lasts from 6am-12am. Wake up, go to school, go to extra curriculars, go to work, sleep, and start cycle again

ANXIETY; totally, take on way to many extras, and try to some how make everyhting work. Outside of school life, is a whole nother drama show on its own. I think they should do I reality tv show on my life. People will feel better about themselves, saying "WOW! Thnk god I'm not her." Meh failing basically everything but Media Arts. I'm gonna try again at Math anyways, prove to ppl that I am smart (when I wanna be). Actually the whle thing that worries me is that life is mainly gonna slip by me and I didn't have a good enough grasp on it.

SADNESS; My life has changed dramatically from last year. Its no ones fault, but I got to wish that things didnt turn out the way they did. Like I still want Pat to be here, but he's not. And I wanna at least know that he's doing ok. It's not like I see him anymore. Even though I wish I did. Sometimes actaully I'm not sure if I want to see him. It's all too confusing. I wish he had talked to me more. For some reason I was always nervous around him and wasn't my annoying self to just talk to him like I did to everyone else.

EMPATHY; For everyone else, especially Air who just totally stress about school. I wish you just take it easy Air and relax. School's not everything, depending on what you are told. ALso for my mom, I think she personally lives in a hell hole. She has crap-ass daughter, whose usually bitchy and a son who doesn't call or visit to often. I wonder what she must think about life at this point in time. I would be pissed the hell off. But it would be funny if she was happy that everything is the way it is.

HAPPINESS; My happiness comes from the good distractions I make for myself, so I don't think too much or about things that make me upset, which is a world of things. So happiness is me not thinking and my friends when I'm not bitchy, lol

ANNOYANCE; My brain. At any point it please it wonders off into things I don't wanna think of, making horrible links between two things. How you ask? I have no fucking clue

GRATITUDE; for friends, even the ones who aren't any more and ex's and whomever else. They at least kept me entertained for a bit, some I wish longer. What more can I say? Oh the random kids I meet, they always make good next-day-stories.

IMPATIENCE; to branch out on my own. To get my G2. To go to Europe again. To have an actual conversation with Pat, more then twice. Newspaper crew to start again. To go to Japan, to play DDR and possibly see my step-grandparents.

FRUSTRATION; My life with the lack of sleep I get. Its un-fucking-natural. When people don't talk to me properly. Miscommunication. Parents when they say I can't go out. Grrr. my current school marks. Sonia must be fired, along with Maria. Pat. Guys in general

CONFUSION; uh, that fact I lose things when I CLEAN my room. What shit is goin on? Why is that even happening. And when random bad things happen to me, man I must have some badass karma.

DESIRE; To get somethig accomplished in life. Like my taveling dreams, probably gt married, but I really dont want kids. To get my laptop back. *I miss it so much* See DU live. Make certain things right. To sleep, to love, to be happy.

HOPE; that things will be okay eventually. I havent found anyone yet whoe life suxs as much as mine, with so many ups and downs, its unbelivable. I really hope I can be happy some day soon, like last year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the music thing... you need to find a free service provider that will allow you to download music.

4:53 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhh too much work

8:48 pm  
Blogger Air said...

anne, for my blog I use music codes. I've been looking for a provider so I can download my own music but I can't find one. Which provider do you use?

4:07 pm  

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