Up We Go To The Top

My life: friends, mallratting, the boys, my adventures, school, inspirations, and so on....Um how do they expect me to use 500 characters. Sheesh they're insane. Anyways whatever. So Hi!

Saturday, May 28, 2005

You're are getting sleepy, very very sleepy

So get the FUCK up!!! ^-^ I'm in happy mode, even though I got interuppted like 4 times while trying to write this blog. With each time having me start all over again, but its all good. So now I'm just chillaxing, enjoyed 4-ish hours of t.v , and my doodling which I enjoyed doing earlier. Oh I also got to finish watching Ong-Bak. Ohmigod the Thai Boxing is waaaaaaay cool. I cant believe how amazingly cool it is. Well anyways myself and this girl Abby, we're both part of David Usher's forums and we're discussing why we join the forums and when we first heard of him.

This is my experience. Basically I heard of Moist like 7 years ago. And of David 5 years ago *gawd it seems so long ago* But when I realize that David kinda of sound like the vocal dude of Moist only finding out 3 years ago that he was the vocal dude in Moist. I found that to be a funny experience. And its not like I was able to esearch it or by the albums back then, so I never really bothered with it. Abby and I had a good laugh about that. We're also thinking about meeting up for the HAMILTON show for David Usher. I would love to meet her. Anyways I still want to go see him on Pride Week, downtown. So thats a couple of my goals in life.

ANother goal is to see my buddy Tom, from the dirty 'Shawa. He's always concerned if I'm doing okay or not. For some reason he's one of those ppl who can tell by ur voice or expression. Meh should go see him soon.

So yeah nothing to spectacular happened to day at school. Um besides physics class where, about 4 of us got to go down to the library and do "research", which we did do. ANd then after I went and played spoons with Weare and Tim and Dana, then randomly Arden joined in. It was a good game of spoons. But thinking of that game reminds me of when the Weares are gonna be gone.

They're moving to wherever Fleming College is. So that means no more Amanda with out an "L" and no more Stephanie...okay so Steph was leaving in the first place, but now it means I wont see here outside running about. *tear*

I dont know...meh anyways summer is springing up on us quickly which means it will soon be SUMMER...WOOT!!! And summer means more work, more play, more sleep. Yessssss. But this also means "GRADE 12" *SHOCK SHOCK* Yes I know, disturbing isnt it. Thinking about how a dumb girl like myself with a bit more then a year left of school will soon be unleashed onto human kind, in the "REAL WORLD"

Whatever it 20 to 3am. Sleep time


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