Up We Go To The Top

My life: friends, mallratting, the boys, my adventures, school, inspirations, and so on....Um how do they expect me to use 500 characters. Sheesh they're insane. Anyways whatever. So Hi!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Yep I'm behind in school, again...its no longer a biggie for me. I'm just like, GAWD DAMNIT. So I'm gonna catch up on Chem, tommorrow. Math, tommorrow. Everything else is ok, besides the fact I still have a physics lab to write up. Thank god that Avril's voice is relaxing. Yes, I'm listening to Avril, her first album. I just kinda took it away from Yulika....cuz i can. :) What a great big sister I am.

I really wanted to volunteer from North By North East (NXNE) Musical and Film Festival, that would have been tres cool. But I'm too young right now, so i think I'll do it like in a year or two time. I really wish I could but some of the shifts are from like 6-2 or 10-6...ha I can't do that my parents would kill me. Well they will kill me also if they found out that I'm skipping school to see David Usher @ FCP. *shivers* Can't wait. I've got it all planned out.

Meh back to volunteering I would love to volunteer for The Toronto Film Festival in September, it would be tres cool. Right now i guess I should concentrate on finish redoing my resume and filling out those applications for summer jobs downtown. Ahhhh, what a dream it would be working downtown, at a mueasum or a gallery. If I did get accepted, I would work there the five days straight or whatever and then Staples three days a week. Monday, Wdnesday, and Friday 5-9pm shifts. Would work out beautifully....i think, so far.

Link: www.nxne.com


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