Up We Go To The Top

My life: friends, mallratting, the boys, my adventures, school, inspirations, and so on....Um how do they expect me to use 500 characters. Sheesh they're insane. Anyways whatever. So Hi!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Good or Bad News

So, here's what's happening so far...my dad said if I have low mid terms marks I have to quit my job, which means Im back to being broke and asking parents for money....not cool at all, especially since I have G2 est coming up on June 1st and i still need to go to the school, *sigh* let's hope he's bluffing (which he is probably not), but its all good. Still pumped for Fast For Life. This will be me with my cam ....

click click click click dance dance click click party click jab talk click click
laugh click click headbang headbang snore click click headbang click

*Head banging is simply me rocking out with others.* Hee hee so pumped

Oh and about that picture up there, well it was taken when i was in Europe. It's some rich families home, well its much larger then that. You can't see the whole thing. It like a never ending story, but its pretty. Can't wait till next year!


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