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My life: friends, mallratting, the boys, my adventures, school, inspirations, and so on....Um how do they expect me to use 500 characters. Sheesh they're insane. Anyways whatever. So Hi!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

My coke


Yeah today was an eventful day...at least I believe so. Um I went to bed aching and still woke up aching so maybe it's something more then me just sleeping weridly on the mat in the gym. If the pain still there on Tuesday, I'll go see a doctor. Well I may still have to see a doctor anyways, for other stuff. Or maybe I just over reacting about nothing, who knows. As I think almost everyone knows that my two fav drinks in the world are Mountain Dew and Diet Coke. Except I just found out a week ago that there's a thing called ASPARTAME, that leaves a few side effects. Here's a part of an article I found,

Reality is in that twisted Diet coke can. It's poison. It's killing the unborn,
raining tumors and seizures on the population, destroying children,
incapacitating workers, mimicking MS, erasing memory and blinding. Inexorably
Diet Coke visits a plague of 92 symptoms listed by our FDA on a secret report
they'll never show which names diet soda as the first source of aspartame
disease. And yes, Death was one of the 92.

"If you are using aspartame ... and you suffer from fibromyalgia symptoms, spasms, shooting pains, numbness in your legs, cramps, vertigo, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, joint pain, depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision, or memory loss - you probably have aspartame disease."

So I'm not much of a happy camper, cuz I have been drinking that shit for a long time! So out comes my fist of fury and my piss off-ishness. Yeah for some reason I always the last to know about something. I always know about the useless things in life, that gets me nowhere (ok not always true, but u know what I mean). Maybe I just over thinking it, maybe. I do get some of the above, but like anyone can get those, so I shouldn't be too worried...

Anyways on to some what better topic. My dad forgot I had volunteering this morning at Pickering High. So it quarter to 8 and I see my dad's room is empty, so I'm like "Oh no, he's already ready!" Yeah he definitly was and he was already at some company doing program and wiring. So when I call him he's like oh take a taxi, no actually walk you'll get there faster. My ass faster! It took me about 40min from Nottingham to Pickering High. I was so pissed off, not the factI had to walk but the fact I had to be late on the account of my dad and that he didn't even say sorry. I had to be there for 8:15. 8:15! C'mon! Arrg so pissed, but at least it get better. Monica the coordinator remebered my face, but she was like "yeah I sorta remember but who are you?"

Myself and some other girl SHannon from DOC, where door greeters. It was fun and I got to meet some random guy, named Ryan. He was cute, but I didnt find out what school he went to, but he was in my grade. It was funny cuz his friend stopped to talk to Shannon, whom he works with. ANd Ryan was like he stops to talk to random girls since when?? SO me and him talked for a bit, then a bit later after the walk was done (MS WALK). He was a cool guy. Um anyways yeah after that got McD's which is an even better story.

I leave mydrink almost full on the counter, my sisters decided to finish their drink then attack mine. SO when I went downstairs to get my drink, I see the lid open....and I was like "OH, NO THEY DIDN'T!!!" I walk outside call both my sisters to me. "Did you drink my drink?" They get all shy and finally say yes. I say had them over (they had recently bought ice and a slushie from ice cream truck) Take to big-ass like of the ice cream and to huge-ass gulps of the slurpie. That was my payback. Now we are even.

Meh I'll end like this....the blog is gettin kinda long. I'll post later.

PS Remeber that N.E.R.D song "oh baby you want me, oh baby you wnat me, oh baby you want me, well you can get a lap dance here for free" I forgot about that song. I loved it so much in grade 8 for some reason, made me laugh so hard the song and the video! BTW its called Lap Dance

And yeah that pic is so not mine, it someone in the same flickr group.


Blogger Air said...

shannon from doc? i know a bunch of shannon's from doc. what grade and what did she look like? i probably know her

9:46 pm  
Blogger Mandy said...

ME TELL U at school tommorrow

10:36 pm  

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