Up We Go To The Top

My life: friends, mallratting, the boys, my adventures, school, inspirations, and so on....Um how do they expect me to use 500 characters. Sheesh they're insane. Anyways whatever. So Hi!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Songs Of The Past

Please note it said the past, so dont say where's my song mandi,lol

Steph-Linkin Park-Numb, Sheryl Crow-Soak Up The Song
"We both love these songs. She was always borrowing my cds...besdies the fact I forgot them over at her house all the time"

Sheila- Sum41-In Too Deep, Distillers-Beat You Heart
"Remebering sheila back in the good old days, where she kept it punk and didnt care about what ppl thought...wat happened to her, oh well"

Pat-Maroon Five-This Love and Switchfoot-Meant To Live and Jimmy Eat World-Sweetness
"He got that Maroon 5 songs re-stiucked in my head, switchfoot he went to the concert the weekend I asked if he wanted to come to wonderland, next weekend he was wearing the shirt, and Jimmy in his car coming from the youthfest. He decided to play his cd's this song came on and we were all happy, also reminds me of coffee time incident, lol"

Myself-Led Zeppelin-Stairway To Heaven and Aerosmith-Dont Want to Miss A Thing
"Biggest moment of my life, Pats Prom. Those two songs were the two songs I remebered clearly what happened between it playing time. Nothing disturbing I just loved the moment, nothing beats it,lol"

Two extra songs for eveyone was Goo Goo DOlls-Iris and Red Hot Chilli Peppers-Otherside, for some strange reason as a collective group we usually always listened to these songs and the others mentioned.

How I feel about these songs when I hear them now...well I feel sad, all the things that could have happened good between us all turned sour...I'm not too sure what I would change about the past if I had a chance, but I know there would ahve to be a chnage. Either me speaking up more, letting my feelings be known or something. Actually I really not sure what I could have done, it seemed destined for doom after my 1st desicion.

I'm not sure yet but I think this will be my ending post for this blog. Well the significant end, I'll post once more to lead you to the new page.

Well anyways this year has been topsy turvy for me. Lost of friends, death of friend, lost of boyfriend (still confused), gain of new friends, fights that rage on, silent fights, people not talking to me cause I dont like their friends, parents, grades, work issues, my major rise in Bitchy Drama Queen and EMo Queen, the meeting of new guy friends (destined to doom), never ending thoughts and ideas, but what has reined over all was my friendships and relationships.

I wish things didnt turn out the way it did with Steph, never met for it happen. Sheila.....I dont know what to say about her or this. Pat...what went wrong? thought there was something that was going to last, boy was I worng about all three, especially Pat. DOnt get me wrong I really did wnat it to work (all three), but I get fustrated and just run out of things I could do to help or fix the situation....

I'm tired, official last post on Up We Go To The Top. Be prepared for the next chapter.


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