My life: friends, mallratting, the boys, my adventures, school, inspirations, and so on....Um how do they expect me to use 500 characters. Sheesh they're insane. Anyways whatever. So Hi!
Ahhhhhhhh!!!! Dont you hate it when ur post gets erased because the technology has type of werid fucking issue, damnit! Oh well I'm not mad anymore, it passed. lol. Anyways the weather is fucking awesome as if you couldn't tell. I'm now gonna be wearing my army hat or my bucket hat outside. One of them will always be with me. You know spring is here when all your favourite bands come out again aka The Queens Of The Stone Age, Theory Of A Deadman, David Usher, Jackalope, Taking Back SUnday... and so on. I'm loving this so much. I like the idea of spring be the time of rebirth in nature. Its like a time to start fresh for everyone, including myself. I'm gonna do great this year, probably not academic wise but everyhting else. Anyways once again I'm on a hunt for a new job, yeah I like the pay of 8.39 an hour, but Im not happy, and if I have to work I want to be at least partially happy. Awwww right now I'm listening to the song by Blink 182 "Stay Together For The Kids". That was one fucking awesome single and that album rocked (they were my first burnt album, back in 2002) Meh Jackalope was played b4 them with "Feel It" which is an awesome summer song. Ahhh can't wait I'm like picturing all the things I'm gonna do for the summer, so near. That reminds me of Canada's Wonderland, first weekend in May once again. So soon! And by the way the title for this post is from the Blink song I mentioned somewhere above. As I said fuckin amazing song. But I wish Our Lady Peace would come back, Oasis came back why dont they? *sigh* Hee hee finished watching Ellen just now also, she still too cool. Yeah well got go start my homework and then watch Queens Of The Stone Age and then got to go do my Eurotrip blog and then back to homwork. I should be caught up by tonite, if not I wont ever catch up. Anyways stuff to do, ciao.
Happy Streak: Two days and running
Yep that's right....I hung out with my two sisters. We went bowling and saw a movie. But not after rushing realizing the bus arrived outside of Nottingham in 10min, and putting a whole bunch of pennies in the machine (Eli), getting off at RBC(my fault) and then walking over to Harwood Plaza did we finally get to bowl. Playe done game then had a snack and walked back up the street to the Durham plaza to watch The Pacifier. Which was unexpectlingly good, but at popints corny. I really hate corny-ness. Then after the movie we went to th arcade. I played DDR and for one set Yulika joined me, which was fun. Then Yasuko (stepmom) came and picked us up and we got Mickey D's for dinner. So my day went well, along with a few other tokens of happiness. Today was one of the happiest Days I have had in such a long friggen time. I plan to stay that way.Maybe I'm being to optomestic.....meh, anyways I have started my job hunt. I'm applying to the RBC and St.Louis. I really hope I can get out of Staples. My idea on part-time jobs is seeing what type of work environment is good for you and thats my goal. Staples is so not my type of work environment at all.
Oooo Probably wondering what Im doing up still, I was actually doing homework....but I gave up and I'm gonna copy others, or hand in things tommorrow or talk to my teahcers. Im tired as hell and I have to wake up early to walk with I better be up soon. And I guess that means I should go to bed soon....Meh
Just Note One Thing: This Has Been Amandla's Only Happy Day In A Long Time
Which means something good is gonna be on its way, I can guarentee you that
Yep yep! So I think Im done for tonite, I have changed around my templates quite a few times before settling for this. And I've add a tagboard and pics just fo fun. I'll figure out a few things later, sadly this goes against what I said in an earlier, blog, oh well, Im indecisive. Well Im loving my pic up there, cuz its me with my "oh-so-hip-to-the-groove-sunglasses", they were bought in Germmmannnyyy, I think. I dont know probably Austria, I'll have to ask Erin she was there. Well I know I paid Euros for them, oh yeah and I bought that awesome sushi set at the same place. Me and Dyl are suppose to make some one day. I'll take a pic of the lovely set later. Anyways I am now way behind in hmk, and I have to tell Air something interestingly interesting (has some connection to my traumatizing event earlier this month) Ooooooo and "One more thing" somewhere in this post there's a link for Wiley Wiggins site, to a section were he has some voice recordings of him and others, while drinking, making music or w/e. Its pretty awesome. ooooo the link is my title to this blog, so um just click it, okay! |
These are the pants I am no longer allowed to where, in public....WAAAAAA....they were my lazy pants, you know...the days when u really dont care on what the fuck you're wearing, but you need to through something on, yep, those are the pants. My dad was like you're not wearing those in public ever again, Im like ooooo. But its all good because I got my stuff from the con from Kyle. My cat which he named, Puchiko and my poster, Chobits, and I owe $15, why can't we sing or bills away, like that commercial. Me and Dyl we're talking about that last night. We were at East Side Mario's and we were like wouldnt it be cool if we could sing our bills away. Then we came to the conclusion that its only if you can sing well, you get ur food for free. Yep, so anyways was doing my homework for like an hour or two out of the whole friggen day, I'm so screwed. I haventfigured our math and still have to do my chem lab write up, and my media arts write up (ok, so I could do that in a half hour), and my Physics lab and assignments. Arrg. So much to do, so little time, meh. I'll get it done. Anyways the book I got from Prague I deemed to be very useful in my life. Its like a mini sketchbook, so I'm in love with it. Ooooooo...and Dyl told me some very interesting info, which is tied to my tramuatizing event at the begginning of the month, its not as bothersome, but someone (Air) would probably like to know. Yep so....................
Wiley Wiggins blog, I finally went back and read a few. He's awesome! Just like Ellen. Anyways on March 12th he leaves a voice recording of him having a convers with some filmmaker thats a friend of his. Its the funniest thing ever, and then you find out finally which one is him talking, which makes the whole audio experience interesting. On his site he also has a few other voice recordings hes done, will drinking, which so far are funny. Its of him and his friends making music and "singing". lol, w/e its funny shit and Dyl determined why Amandla has a blog: Its for any of her friends who want to know whats happening, without her having to force them to listen to her bitching or stupidity.
^^^^ I think its a good reasoning.
PS I finally found out how to spell shenanigans....unless the person wrong....I hope not
Best Advice I Have Ever Gotten
Thanks Digi!
Never stop dreaming. I see so many people who are unidealistic and have lost sight of their dreams. And theyre boring. Not only that, but theyre probably also sad, whether they realize it or not. Somebody, somewhere has it worse than you, and somehow theyre making it too. Its a morbid thing to seek solace in, but it works for me. Theres always tomorrow; time will always pass. That vacation youre looking forward to is going to end, just like the wait towards it. Question everything. Dont be a sheep. Form your own opinions, and dont be afraid to swim in murky philosophical water. The land on the other side is for more promising than the other, unenlightened end of the sea. Be happy with what you have. No matter what you get, you will always want more, bigger, and better things. You only want what you cant have. And lifes no fun if you cant want something. What people think doesnt matter. It really doesnt. Ask yourself why, and chances are you cant come up with a valid reason why, unless it involves money or sex. And money and sex are overrated. Think of life as an illusion or dream. Youll lose all your inhibition, and those annoying butterflies in your stomach will hibernate. This is only reality, after all. People are judging you. Get over it. Meditate. Dont be afraid of the doctor; be afraid of the disease. Or the bill. Doodle in a notebook. Write whatever words come to mind in whatever style you feel like. Draw stuff. Dont put yourself in other peoples shoes. They probably dont feel right anyway, even if theyre the right size: you can never really comprehend another persons situation. With the exception of this statement, dont restrict yourself. Get a small laptop, preferably an Apple iBook. Youll fall in love with it and will want to carry it everywhere you go. But try to keep it out of the shower. Never ever lie to cover up lies. Everything is beautiful and poetic in some way or another, including yourself. Dont worry about anything. Everything will always work out in the end. The best feeling ever is the moment a headache stops. Inspiration can come from anything. Do something new. Have sex. It isnt as evil or overrated as people say it is. Contradict yourself. | |
Yeah My picture is kinda like IN YOUR FACE, isnt it. Anyways trying to understand my Physics hmk, keyword trying. I think I'm gonna have to drag Erin over here on Monday so we can finish the stupid math work. Anyways yeah this pic was from last year when I went bowling at the place in the Ajax Plaza. They had awesome music anyways cant wait till we start bowling again, I think we'll starting bowling by the end of April at least. Oh, and yesturday my family had guest over, one was an anti-social 16 yr old boy, so I told him to join me and my friends in seeing Guess Who, which was an awesome movie. We went to Ciniplex so I got to brush up on my DDR skills, so know Im just as good as Dyl. So I think we may see a movie next week at Famous Players and VS each other. I happy that I'm getting better, but there are some songs that I cant yet do, oh well, soon enough. OOOO and the song with Taking Backing Sunday, is such a mind blowing song go listen to it.
ONE MORE THING: For the ppl who tell me do some htmling for my blog, NO, I dont have time to blow..I'm busy with a job, babysitting, schoolwork, friends and my extras. Maybe u are a hermit and all, buuuut not me.
I spend my time making goofy faces, like that ^^^^^^^
Ok so I'm making (like Erin) ablog just for my Eurotrip, cuz I realize if I put it in my normal blog it will throw everything off. So yeah....The blog is at:
So got back from the party..around 10:15-ish, and I'm tired, me need sleep. So let me do this fast...There was a lot of Kareoking, normal singing, dancing, a bit of eating, and picture taking. I do not think I can stand *insert name here* presence anymore, either your dead or not there...but what can I do? I'm suppose to be all kind and shit, ha, my ass. Yeah so I didnt get my hmk done, still, and I have a lab to do on the 22nd, so great. My visa card is at my mom's and I'm at my dad's. Anyone see the problem? Anyways found to good links, thanks to Wiley Wiggins...I love reading his blog. There's always something intersting to read. Anyways the two links will be at the end of all my ranting, and complaining. I really just to have a good time while I'm in Europe....think my life needs a whole direction change....nothing too major just major enough....Might quit my job in between 6 mos to a yr from now, get on track with school (im tired of my dad being constantly mad at me), would like a hair cut (short, maybe even very short), getting my contacts soon (less than a month; only testing)....I dont know what else, I would really like to learn how to friggen ROLLERBLADE damnit (places i NEED to go, and I dont always wanna walk, bike, or bus. Gotta change it up a bit), hopefully snowboard this yr, and the only one thats a long shot is skateboarding maybe one of my Whitbier friends can help out on that, who knows). And yes by actually change a few things in my life, I can erase things in my memory, no not really, but they become easier to forget when your concentrarting on better things...must find a pic to put into this blog (can you tell taht enjoy doing that?)
Oh and ashcroft=assole.....something else from Wiley Wiggins...Yeeesssssssssssssssss
Ok the two links:
Please enjoy ^-^
Tommorrow is last day for blogging b4 leaving. Good thing its not early in the morning. 3 o'clock is early enough.
Yep! Im still up decided to delete some of my blogs and to feel like crap b4 I go to bed. Things are so twisted right now....I dont get whats going on anywmore; at school or outside of school. Im just sitting there like yeah-huh, am Im gonna get slapped in the face a few more times, should I just prepare myself for it? I think, wait Iknow that the answer is "Duh, Amandla who do you think you kidding, of course yyou are!" So Im now just waiting to get whiplashed by veryone possible, whats the point of standing up for yourself and letting you views be known if people dont care, right!? I guess I'll reform myself, noooo, I dnt know. man I wish I would fall asleep and never wake up.....Im so blah....this is heading nowhere
Now the bad news
Meh nothing else really to write, I feel so sick in my stomach. I guess I shoud try and eat but takes so much friggen effort.